Pieter van Ysseldijk

Pieter holds a LL.M from London and a MSc Investment Analysis from Stirling, UK. He has enjoyed a career in law & finance, and is a speaker on Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology. He also managed his own shellfish farms and processing factories for 25 years. As the CEO, Pieter is in charge of technology, management and expansion strategy.

Jos Hakkennes
iSolar Development & Education

Jos is an agricultural engineer who, after a career in banking and social entrepreneurship, developed the aquaponics industry as an expert in The Netherlands. He has realised several large and small scale projects during the last 10 years. Jos will be in charge of implementing the Isolar technology, data management and education of Isolar farmers and iSocieties staff.

Dimitra Papandreou

Dimitra is a business consultant with over 20 years of professional experience. She has worked as a Strategy & Operations consultant for Deloitte and was Head of the Advice for Small Businesses programme of EBRD in Greece. She holds a BSc in Finance and Banking and an MSc in International Development from Bath, UK.

Georgia Kotretsos
Public Relations

Georgia is a visual artist, researcher and writer, currently also a PhD Candidate in Philosophy in Leuk-Stadt in Switzerland. She is a graduate from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA and the Durban Institute of Technology, RSA. Georgia is in charge of communications, marketing and expanding the programme among new communities in Greece.

Golnaz A. Jafari
Legal Consultant

Golnaz has a LL.M from Brussels (summa cum laude) and is practising law in Lucerne, where she was an academic staff at the University and is currently finishing her PhD on the topic of a smart contract based distributed dispute resolution mechanism. Golnaz is in charge of setting up the network for aID validation on the platform.