Regional e-Marketplaces

Regional marketplaces are part of the net positive technologies offered by iSonom. These are operated by members of iSocieties and form the tools for regional regeneration and restoration in order to establish self-sustainability in ecosystems and communities.

Physical and electronic marketplaces managed by regional iSocieties promote cultural identity and events, member wealth preservation, administration, member mobility, development and self-sustainability through the production and distribution of iSolar products and other local products and services.  

Verifiable Reputation

Members create identifiers for themselves and for any products under their control. Reputations are verifiable through credentials and a system of transaction logs that are managed by a network of legal professionals acting as validators. This forms a privacy and cybersecurity shield against increasingly AI-led data surveillance on supranational legacy Internet platforms.


Isonomia was the precursor to democracy in Ancient Greece. It gave citizens equal rights to a city-state's governance. The governance of regional iSocieties is based on isonomía principles, securing members' right to vote, participate in the administration of the iSocieties and retain individual control over personal data, with undeniable access to the marketplaces. 

Contact us

Contact us to find out more details about the benefits of investing in iSonom e-marketplaces